1. Introduction

AI has taken the world by storm in 2023 impacting every industry and market known to man. Content Marketing is one of those where there’s been tremendous growth due to this innovation. 

  • Writers used to struggle with their blogs which took too much time and research. Now AI helps them compose multiple blog posts in a matter of minutes.
  • Content Creation used to be a difficult thing with creators often running out of ideas before they started taking action. AI has all the data creators need to get creative ideas and never have an empty pipeline. 
  • Digital Marketers used to research from website to website which was too hectic. AI, on the other hand, provides all data in a much more streamlined manner. 

Safe to say, this has been the biggest innovation we’ve seen in years! In this article, I will be diving into AI-Powered ‘Content Marketing’; what it is, how to use it, and why jump on the AI bandwagon. 

1.1 What is AI?

First things first, let’s demystify AI. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, and it’s like having a digital brain that can analyze data, learn from it, and make decisions – all without human intervention. Think of it as your trusty sidekick in the world of content marketing.

Through machine learning and data, AI is able to get you results that would take hours to find on your own. I’ve personally used it for a variety of tasks; from writing blogs and emails, to researching business ideas. I’ve even conversed with it to get clarity on something that was bugging me up.

And it has been tremendously helpful! 

1.2 How can AI be used for content marketing?

Now, let’s talk about the magic AI can work in the realm of content marketing. AI can assist in content creation, optimization, distribution, and even predicting what your audience wants to see next. 

It’s like having a crystal ball for your content strategy. I’ve used AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard to craft content marketing plans for my portfolio website as well as other side-ventures I’ve been working on. 

Keyword Research is one of the biggest components of Content Marketing. In that sense, AI has helped me generate keywords, prioritize them based on what my website and content is about, and create an entire content calendar, from scratch.

Amazed, right? I can’t stress how helpful it has been when it comes to saving time and prioritizing different projects. It’s like I now have my own ‘virtual assistant’ without even paying for it.

1.3 Benefits of using AI for content marketing

But why bother with AI? Well, my friend, there are numerous benefits. From saving you time to improving audience engagement and ROI, AI has got your back.

Crafting Personalized Content

Your audience isn’t interested in irrelevant content; they’re looking for content that resonates with their needs. 

If your messages miss the mark, they might just move on to a different brand. Fortunately, AI steps in to help you create that personalized magic.

Tailored Content

Thanks to AI, you can effortlessly segment your audience and gather valuable insights about each client based on their interests, preferences, purchase history, demographics, and more. 

Armed with this treasure trove of information, you can fashion content that speaks directly to your target audience.

Efficient and Swift Content Generation

Time is precious, and AI in content marketing knows how to make the most of it. Simply enter a prompt and you can get everything from creative blog posts to captions for your social media posts. 

Even social media management tools like Buffer & Content Studio are now embracing AI for even better scheduling and analytics options.

Content Optimization & Strategic Planning

Creating content is just one piece of the puzzle. To succeed, you must optimize your content for higher search engine rankings and organic reach. 

Here’s where AI optimization tools work their magic by continuously evaluating your content and seamlessly incorporating relevant keywords.

You can provide Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines, have AI rank your content according to the parameters set by the biggest search engine in the world, and implement those adjustments, in real-time.


The beauty of it all is that AI completes these tasks in the blink of an eye, tasks that would take human experts hours to complete. It’s the cherry on top of the AI content marketing cake!

Now you no longer need to hire a writer for your business. You just need to have an eye for the right piece of content and AI will do the research and writing for you. 

1.4 How Zane uses AI for content marketing

Curious about how I put AI to work? I’ll spill the beans on how I leverage AI tools and strategies to stay ahead in the digital marketing game.

  • Keyword Research: I use AI tools to provide keyword suggestions and through leveraging tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs, I’m able to get accurate data.
  • Organization & Sorting: When I was working for the strategy for this website, I even provided keywords to ChatGPT and it sorted all of the data in a comprehensive list, based on the parameters I provided (search volume, keyword difficulty)
  • Ideation: Now keywords are raw data and generating topics is a challenge. You never know what type of content you should write about so it’s very much an experimental thing.
    What I did was use the top-ranking keywords (which I used AI to sort for me) and gave AI the prompt to create topics and content ideas from those keywords. Genius, right?

1.5 How to use AI for content marketing

And of course, I won’t leave you hanging without sharing tips on how you can start using AI in your content marketing journey.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

First things first, set your goals straight. What do you aim to achieve with AI in your content marketing game plan? Are you looking to brainstorm more content ideas, fine-tune your content for search engines, or measure your content’s performance? Having a clear direction is key.

Step 2: Pick the Perfect AI Tools

Now, it’s time to choose your arsenal of AI tools. The market is brimming with options, but some popular ones include Jasper, Copy.ai, and Synthesia. Each tool brings its own unique flair, so take your time to find the ones that align best with your goals.

Step 3: Dive into AI’s Bag of Tricks

With your AI tools in hand, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start experimenting. AI has a treasure trove of features waiting for you to explore. You can use it to brainstorm content ideas, fine-tune your headlines, or even craft engaging social media posts. Let your creativity roam and see which AI-powered tricks resonate with your content marketing strategy.

Step 4: Complement, Don’t Replace

Here’s the golden rule: AI is your trusty sidekick, not a replacement for human creativity. Leverage AI to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your time for the strategic aspects of content marketing that truly need your human touch.

2. AI-powered content generation

2.1 Dynamic Content

Picture this: Dynamic content is like a chameleon of the digital world, changing its colors based on the user’s preferences. For instance, think of a website that offers different product recommendations to each visitor, tailoring them to their past browsing history. How’s this magic possible? AI steps in, analyzing user data, spotting patterns, and creating this dynamic content on the fly.

Here’s how you can leverage AI to wield dynamic content:

  • Personalized Landing Pages: AI can sprinkle a dash of personalization onto your landing pages. It adapts each page to suit the visitor’s demographics, interests, and past actions. The result? Increased conversions as users feel right at home.
  • Recommend Relevant Content: AI can be your content matchmaker, suggesting the perfect pieces to each user based on their previous interactions. It’s like having your own content concierge, helping users find what they need swiftly.
  • Targeted Ads: No more generic ads! AI fine-tunes your ad game by tailoring them to each user’s interests and past behavior. This not only boosts ad relevance but also increases those precious click-through rates.

2.2 Chatbots

Now, let’s talk about chatbots, your AI-powered conversational buddies. These digital companions are your Swiss army knives for automating customer service, content delivery, and engagement. They can answer queries, offer support, and deliver content with efficiency and charm.

Here’s how you can put chatbots to work in your content marketing strategy:

  • Provide Customer Support: Chatbots are the first responders to content-related queries. They can answer questions about a blog post or troubleshoot issues with a video tutorial, making user support a breeze.
  • Deliver Content: Want to deliver content in a snappy and engaging way? Chatbots are on it! They can send personalized product recommendations or deliver breaking news updates to your users.
  • Generate Leads: Chatbots are also ace lead generators. They qualify prospects and collect contact info like a pro. Whether it’s qualifying leads for a webinar or gathering data for your sales team, they’ve got it covered.

For starters, check out this Free Course by ManyChat which gives you a comprehensive look at Chatbots in practice.

2.3 Trigger-based Automation

Trigger-based automation is your ticket to delivering content based on user behavior. Imagine sending an email with a tempting product recommendation right after a user abandons their shopping cart. AI identifies these triggers, ensuring you provide the right content at the right time.

Here’s how trigger-based automation can level up your content marketing:

  • Send Abandoned Cart Emails: Remind users about that abandoned cart with a friendly email and a product recommendation. It’s a nudge that often leads to conversions.
  • Send Welcome Emails: New subscribers get a warm welcome with a curated list of relevant content. It’s a great way to engage them right from the start.
  • Send Retargeting Ads: For those users who’ve visited your website but haven’t taken action, AI can display relevant ads to jog their memory and encourage them to convert.

2.4 Curated Email Newsletter

Imagine an email newsletter that’s tailor-made for each subscriber. AI can curate these newsletters by analyzing subscriber data and recognizing patterns. Here’s how AI can help:

  • Segment Subscribers: Group subscribers based on their interests and past behavior, allowing you to send highly targeted and relevant newsletters.
  • Identify Relevant Content: AI can identify the content that resonates with each subscriber segment, ensuring your newsletter hits the mark.
  • Personalize Newsletters: Personalization isn’t just about adding a name. AI can sprinkle in a personalized greeting and include content that matches each subscriber’s interests.
  • By embracing AI, you’re not just automating tasks but also creating content that’s personalized and relevant. It’s the secret recipe to supercharge your content marketing results.

3. Global Brands Leveraging AI Content Marketing

3.1 Dell

Dell, a tech giant, is using AI to connect with customers on a personal level. Let’s see how they’re doing it.

  • Customer service: Dell uses AI to power its customer service chatbots. These chatbots can answer customer questions, provide support, and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.
  • Product recommendations: Dell uses AI to recommend products to customers based on their past purchase history and browsing behavior. This helps customers to find the products they are looking for more quickly and easily.
  • Personalized marketing: Dell uses AI to personalize marketing campaigns for each customer. This includes sending targeted emails, ads, and other content that is relevant to the customer’s interests.

3.2 eBay

The online marketplace eBay is using AI to enhance the shopping experience. I’ll share some insights into their strategies.

  • Product search: eBay uses AI to power its product search engine. This allows customers to find the products they are looking for more quickly and easily, even if they don’t know the exact product name or category.
  • Fraud detection: eBay uses AI to detect fraudulent transactions. This helps to protect buyers and sellers from fraud.
  • Personalized recommendations: eBay uses AI to recommend products to buyers based on their past purchase history and browsing behavior. This helps buyers to find the products they are looking for more quickly and easily.

3.3 Chase Bank

Even banks like Chase are getting in on the AI action. Discover how they’re using AI to provide better financial services.

  • Fraud detection: Chase Bank uses AI to detect fraudulent transactions. This helps to protect Chase customers from fraud.
  • Personalized financial advice: Chase Bank uses AI to provide personalized financial advice to customers. This advice is based on the customer’s individual financial situation and goals.
  • AI-powered chatbots: Chase Bank uses AI-powered chatbots to provide customer support. These chatbots can answer customer questions and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

4. AI Content Marketing Tools

4.1 ChatGPT

This is a tool every Content Marketer MUST use and understand. With ChatGPT, you can create content outlines, write, research, analyze, and virtually do ANYTHING that comes to your mind.

4.2 SurferSEO

For any content marketing strategy, content needs to be well-optimized for SEO. SurferSEO in that regard, is the best tool in the market when it comes to optimization.

Pro Tip: Once you have generated content using ChatGPT or Bard, simply paste that into SurferSEO and follow the recommendations to SEO-optimize your blog post.

4.3 Mid Journey AI

Content Marketing also revolves around design quite a bit. And the biggest innovation in the AI-Design market is Mid Journey. It works in exactly the same way as ChatGPT.

Simply, provide it a prompt (be as creative as possible), and wait for the magic to happen. If you don’t have the resources to pay for a subscription, you can also use Open AI’s Dall-E which is a free ‘text-to-image’ AI model.

There are numerous AI tools in the market with more coming out every other day. You can find your choice on this comprehensive list of marketing tools that we’ve compiled for you.

5. AI Content Marketing Drawbacks

Let’s talk about a couple of hiccups on using AI in your content marketing journey.

Over-Reliance on Algorithms:

So, here’s the deal – AI has potential pitfalls, and it’s the over-dependence on algorithms. These AI tools are like sponges, soaking up massive amounts of data. 

But sometimes, that leads them down a path of producing content that feels a bit too repetitive and formulaic. And let’s be honest, readers can sniff that out from a mile away.

Another snag in the over-reliance department is keyword stuffing. Sometimes, AI tools can get a little too enthusiastic about inserting keywords into content, even if they sound like a jumbled puzzle. This not only hurts your SEO but also turns your content into a readability nightmare.

Absence of Creativity and Originality:

Another issue is that AI tools aren’t quite ready to channel their inner Shakespeare or Picasso. They’re missing that spark of creativity and the ability to think outside the box. 

Instead, they often rely on existing content they’ve scoured from the web, leading to content that feels a bit like déjà vu.

The lack of emotion and empathy is another thing you need to be aware of. AI tools don’t understand our human feelings, so their content can come across as cold and robotic.

Therefore, AI isn’t a magic wand that can replace the creative genius of humans. It’s a powerful tool, but it’s not an artist or a poet. To turn it into one, you need to be an artist/poet yourself.

Now, let’s talk turkey – how can you use AI content marketing tools effectively without calling out its drawbacks:

  • Idea Generation: Use AI to brainstorm fresh content ideas, but let humans do the writing. AI-generated content often lacks that unique human touch.
  • Proofreading and Editing: AI is a stellar proofreader and editor. It can catch grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes like a hawk.
    However, don’t rely on it to compose your content from scratch, as it may lack clarity and conciseness. Always make sure to edit and proofread before you hit ‘publish’.
  • Personalization: AI shines in personalizing content for different audiences. You can generate different versions of a blog post for various demographics, making your content more relatable.
    But remember, it’s not a substitute for crafting content with authenticity and engagement. You still need to revise it according to your business needs to truly stand out.

In the end, the key is balance. AI is a fantastic tool, but it’s most effective when it complements human creativity and expertise. So, use it wisely, and you’ll find it’s a valuable ally in your content marketing journey.

6. Conclusion

In a nutshell, AI is your secret weapon for content marketing success. It can boost your efficiency, engage your audience on a deeper level, and drive results that will make you smile. 

So what are you waiting for? Start using AI to level up your content marketing game today!

And if you’re ready to take the next step and supercharge your content marketing strategy with AI, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Let’s set up a strategy call and explore how AI can work wonders for your brand. Your content journey is about to get a whole lot smarter!