Case Study

nVest Advisors
A Holistic Marketing Strategy For A Brand Helping Families & The Average Joe Get The Financial Independence They Deserve.


How A Simple Sales Funnel Strategy led to a 2.3% conversion rate

nVest Advisors were achieving poor results on their existing B2C & B2B Campaigns and needed a fresh perspective.

I was brought in as a Marketing Team Lead tasked with creating a Marketing Strategy from scratch for both business propositions.

Within 3 months, a campaign that had been failing to convert led to a staggering 2.3% conversion rate with 11 Appointments. nVest has a closing rate of 98% so the rest is history…

nVest Advisors Graphics of landing page and logo


Taking nVest from Zero to Hero in 3 months


The main challenge was creating a strategy that actually converted. This meant that I had to revamp the existing ad creatives, landing pages, and copy across all of the marketing mediums nVest was also using.

nVest’s website was already pretty amazing but CEO Jeremy Torgensen leaned on me to provide a fresh perspective. This meant additional work in terms of SEO, CRO, and UI/UX.

nVest’s Marketing team comprised me as a team lead, a graphic designer, and a junior marketer who worked in various roles. And we all reported back to the CEO.

Because of the different roles, we also needed Project Management which was done on Asana. The collaboration was done internally using Google Chats and we relied on Google Docs for any important documents.

The task ahead was a big one but I was confident in myself and my team’s ability to achieve great results!


Our work started with Market Research where I worked alongside the other marketing personnel to understand our customers, and created Three Customer Personas for both B2B & B2C.

This led to the second phase where I wireframed new landing pages and created them in MailChimp. This part didn’t only require web design but also copywriting which I did myself.

The last phase was putting everything together. Through collaboration with the graphic designer, we created new ad creatives. I wrote the copy for these ads too and these were then sent to the management for approval.

Within the next 2 months, the B2C campaign gave a stunning 2.3% conversion rate while the B2B campaign hovered around the 1.5-1.8% range.

Both campaigns were successful in terms of revenue as well as they generated $50k in sales collectively increasing the client base in the process.

Revenue Generated


New Appointments


Conversion Rate







Zane is a talented, hard-working and resourceful marketing professional who knows his business and brings 100% of his skillset to the jobs he undertakes. His leadership skills were strong enough that I gave him control over the entire marketing effort. My company was blessed by his participation, and yours will be, as well. I highly recommend him.

Jeremy Torgenson – nVest Advisors CEO

Services Provided



  • Marketing Strategy
  • UX/UI
  • Conversation Rate Optimization
  • Ad Copywriting
  • Landing Page Design
  • Landing Page Copywriting
  • Client Education
  • Market Research
  • Persona Creation
  • Project Management
  • Analytics & Reporting
nVest Advisors #Main Website